Cloud Competitiveness Index 2019


Cloud Competitiveness Index 2019

MENA Cloud Alliance just released its much-anticipated Cloud Competitiveness Index 2019 and the UAE (again) tops the Index followed closely by Qatar, Oman & Bahrain.

The MENA Cloud Alliance Cloud Competitiveness Index 2019 is a project aimed at providing a bird’s-eye view of the MENA cloud market, now and on an ongoing basis.The index measures the competitiveness of the cloud computing ecosystem within fourteen MENA countries and covers five domains: Regulation, Talent, Connectivity, Government & Business aspects of the regional cloud computing adoption. This report helps decision makers gain a thorough understanding of market opportunities and challenges.

Project Details

  • Author(s): MENA Cloud Alliance Secretariat
  • Document ID: CCI02PE1719
  • Date: June 17, 2019
  • Countries covered in this report: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
  1. 1. Preface
  2. 2. Executive Summary
  3. 3. Rankings
  4. 4. Country Profiles
  5. 5. Methodology & Technical Notes
  6. 6. Conclusion
  7. 7. Contributors
  8. 8. Appendices
  9. 9. About MENA Cloud Alliance

The Middle East & North Africa region hosts some of the most forward-thinking and tech-savvy nations of the world. In an effort towards transitioning from oil-dependent economies into digitally transformed ones, some countries in this part of the world have evolved into not only early adopters but also pioneers of cutting-edge technology worldwide. Cloud computing, while more broadly understood and routinely adopted in many organizations, seems to be at a tipping point. In a transition from just a promising concept to an actual enabler, cloud is now expected to deliver what it had always been created to deliver: ‘elevating emerging technologies from mere ideas to applicable problem-solvers'.

There certainly is a new wave of exciting buzz words in the market - most of which would simply remain impractical without a cloud-based support system. This transition, however, comes with many challenges including regulation, security, talent, connectivity, government and business community support. To make educated decisions, it is essential that the ecosystem players develop and maintain an understanding of the regional markets' status quo.

Our Cloud Competitiveness Index 2019 (CCI2019) is the next iteration of a project aimed at providing a bird's-eye view of the cloud status, now and on an ongoing basis. The index measures the competitiveness of the cloud computing ecosystem within fourteen countries in the region. We have created an index that captures the underpinning parameters comprising national cloud competitiveness. Our composite index provides major market constituents with a tool for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the regional economies - in a fact-driven manner.

We have aimed to use publicly available data and turn it into insightful knowledge that represents the complexities of nations' technology infrastructure to help advance cloud computing in the region.

At the same time, MENACA recognizes that cloud competitiveness can mean very different things in different economic and institutional contexts, and therefore sees this report as an invitation to dialogue, debate and continuous education.